Earlier all Off The Record videos have been uploaded on Vimeo only. Many of you, our dear visitors, have been asking why there and not on YouTube.
As some of you may have heard, there’s a better quality on Vimeo. Higher resolution and other technical mumbo jumbo, no (unnecessary) censorship or age limits etc.
Every now and then, let’s be straight, some assholes have been ripping our clips and shared these on their private YouTube accounts. Without credits, of course. Some of the videos have gathered tens of thousands views.
This has pissed us off.
That’s why we have now founded Off The Record’s YouTube account. From this on, feel free to watch all our clips on your favourite video sharing website.
We also created a Spotify playlist of Off The Record tracks (original album versions). Subscribe to our playlist here.
Off The Record crew
Sometimes computers and softwares can be quite mysterious.
Take this. If you are trying to watch Off The Record videos with Firefox, you might get an error. At the same time it may work just fine with Safari and Chrome. And of course with Firefox when you try it with your other computer.
Next time when you’ll update the software, the problem should disappear. Or maybe it won’t.
What we are trying to say is that even everything have been tested several times and all things should work just fine, there might be some strange issues.
If something like this has happened to you, please let us know (contact@offtherecord.fi) – and try again with other browser.
Peace, love and errors!

Arttu Tolonen´s column @ Soundi Magazine 3/2011 (Sorry, its only in finnish!)
Were lookin for a kiss of Arttu! That`s our award for the best music media of the year by the Soundi magazine column. Thank you! Kiitos! Gracias! Tack! Danke! Спасибо! Congratulations to the WAH guys too!
Off The Record is our independent playground and we try our best to keep it that way. We are making this for fun and we are not making any money out of this. Some people go fishing, some go golfing, we go filming Off The Record. It is strange that “how we make money” is one of the main question about OTR. Why? We really don’t know. Is it that strange to make something for very different reasons than just money? Maybe we are strange, but most of the people are…
We think that Off The Record is more similiar to a band than a “production company”. We are just a bunch of friends filming stuff with bands and artist that we truly respect. It is all about our love for moving picture and music. We think that is much more valuable than any euros, bahts or dollars. We have applyed for scholarships and even got some, but that is just to cover some of our production costs. Our goal is to keep our independence and freedom to make our own stuff for us and you guys out there. Unless someone has a lot of cash…
It is not all about money. It should be more about heart and soul, brothers and sisters!
-OTR Crew
Hello world!
Finally it is online! We hope that you will enjoy the first ever Off The Record session with lovely Magenta Skycode. We had a blast at Korjaamo when we were recording this session – hopefully you Magenta guys had some good time too. Our next session with you will take place in a wine cellar, it’s a promise…
In the future we will release one or two Off The Record sessions in a month. This is all about our love to great music so every single band in our sessions will represent something that we really like and respect. Stay tuned for everything from indie pop to heavy metal. All mainly acoustic… It’s gonna be a great ride with wonderful music, great artists and exclusive sessions in interesting places.
At this point we want to thank few people for making this possible: internet wizards Mikko Kekki and Tomi Riionheimo, graphic designer Tony Sjöman and all the other people who have helped and suffered. Thank you guys for your efforts!
–Off The Record Crew