Date: 7th of April 2012
Place: Filmihullu leffakauppa, Helsinki

Once upon a time (actually this happened in April 2012) we spent one lazy afternoon with art house movies, black & white classics, splatter cult flicks and French Films. Where else could we have brought them but a cool movie store specialized in all kinds of cool DVD’s and other weird stuff?

Woody Allen, Esa Pakarinen, Sean Penn and even few zombies saw them playing between the shelves packed with classics. Yeah, these guys in leather jackets were pretty in decadence.

Few weeks ago French Films announced that their original bass player Mikael had left the band. So long mate ­– let this be our farewell to you.

When we were writing this introduction, French Films was in studio recording their second album. It will probably come out in early 2013 – can’t wait!

Filmihullu leffakauppa
Gaea / Esa Tontti
Jukka “Jippi” Polvi

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